Frequently Asked Questions

Is Paintball Fun?

Paintball has been described as one of the most enjoyable adrenaline
action games in the world! Players work together with their teammates to
run, dive, creep, crawl and sneak towards and around opponents to tag
them with paintballs and attempt to capture an opposing team’s flag to
win! Paintball, when played with friends and family, is enjoyable, great
exercise and ideal for church groups, corporate team-building, school
outings or just plain having fun outside, off the couch and in the

Why Play Paintball?

Paintball is fun! Nobody heads to the local paintball field looking
for a second job. Paintball is a recreational game and sport played by
millions of men and women of all ages and walks of life around the world
each weekend who enjoy time with friends and family, an amazing
adrenaline rush and a few hours off the couch and out of the house.
Often compared to a live-action video game, paintball offers men, women,
boys and girls an enjoyable, amazing experience like nothing else in
the world!

Who plays paintball?

Paintball is an intense, thrilling, adrenaline-packed adventure game
that’s certain to get the heart pounding as players run, crawl, sneak
and battle to victory over their opponents! Nearly everyone who plays
paintball for the first time is hooked and comes back for more thanks to
the incredible rush and excitement of the game! Whether played in the
woods, on urban-style combat courses or on the brightly-colored,
spectator-friendly arenas used for tournament paintball sport
competitions, the name of the paintball game is fun and it’s everyone’s
job to make sure players have a great time!

What is the Minimum age to play paintball?

Paintball is open to all ages, but while paintball safety equipment
is, generally, one-size-fits-all, younger players often cannot be safely
fitted with goggles and face masks, limiting ages to around ten.
However, the advent of low-impact paintball and more youth-specific
equipment has opened the doors to even younger paintball players,
allowing children as young as eight and nine to get in on the action and
fall in love with paintball in a safe, organized and supervised

What does paintball cost?

Paintball can be played inexpensively, with rental equipment and
admission generally costing between 20 and 50 dollars for a day of play
at any local paintball park, while more serious players who enjoy
playing regularly and which to own their own equipment can spend
hundreds on their equipment if they so-desire. Paintball equipment from
safety goggles to paintball guns, clothing and accessories are available
at prices to fit almost any budget or preferred style of play.

What is Low Impact Paintball?

Low Impact paintball is an updated form of the game designed to make
paintball more enjoyable and accessible to a wider array of players by
making the game more affordable and reduce or in most cases completely
remove the “sting” of being hit by an incoming paintball. This has been
accomplished by reducing the size of the paintball used for play from
.68 caliber, roughly the size of a gumball, to .50 caliber. This
smaller, lighter projectile, fired from paintball guns at a lower speed,
transmits less energy to the target it hits. Bottom line, it doesn’t
hurt. If you were worried about trying the game of paintball, or
allowing your child or spouse to try the game of paintball because you
heard it might sting, Low Impact paintball is your answer! Paintball
playing parks and fields worldwide have begun to roll out Low Impact
Paintball games for younger players, birthday parties and new players,
taking the trepidation out of walking out onto the field for the first


All the fun and excitement of paintball with less sting.

Lower starting ages allows you to invite more friends.

Loader holds more paint than. 68 caliber.

Easy to use lightweight equipment.

Utilizes the exact same courses as standard paintball.

Are reservations necessary?

Reservations are generally required to play the game of paintball if
players intend to bring a large group. For example, those intending to
enjoy a day of paintball with a bachelor party, church group, birthday
party or corporate business outing should contact their local paintball
park to set up reservations, especially because most parks and fields
offer private group rates and even package discounts and deals for
parties and groups! That said, more experienced players, once they’ve
acquired their own paintball equipment, often simply show up at the
local field for “pick-up” games or “walk-on” games in which players are
separated by skill level to ensure a safe and enjoyable day of play!

What should we bring to play paintball for the first time?

A first day of paintball can be daunting for many reasons, including
the worries over what to wear and what to bring! As most professional
paintball parks and playing fields offer everything from coveralls to
rental equipment and even a snack bar with hot and cold food and drinks,
all new players really need to bring is a desire to have a great time
with friends and let the professionals do the rest! An old towel to wipe
sweat and excess paint splatter, a change of clothes and some wet-wipes
for cleaning up before the ride home are never a bad idea.

Is paintball safe?

Shooting plastic pellets at speeds of up to 200mph while traversing all sorts of obstacles and muddy terrain doesn’t sound like the safest of pursuits - so how safe is paintball?

There’s no denying those paintballs can sting, and may even leave a bruise if they hit any exposed skin, but in reality, you’re no more
likely to pick up an injury paintballing as you are playing football, rugby or any other sport that can result in scrapes and bruises.

It might surprise you to learn that, despite all those high-velocity
paintballs flying about, twisted ankles are the most common type of paintball injury.

Does paintball hurt?

While the staff at every professional paintball park or playing field
does its best to keep players safe and safety equipment is used to
prevent injury, paintballs can sting on impact to bare skin. Players are
encouraged to use equipment available for rent or sale at paintball
parks from overalls and neck protectors to gloves and padded chest
protectors to take the “sting” out of their first few games. For younger
players or those just beginning their paintball adventure, many playing
parks now offer “low impact” options of play in which smaller
paintballs fired at lower speeds are used to practically eliminate the
sting from the game, making paintball safe and fun for almost all ages!

What if I don’t have equipment?

Don’t have paintball equipment but want to try the game and see if
it’s for you? No problem! All local paintball parks and playing fields
offer rental equipment, and can set any player up with all the equipment
they need to play a fun and safe day of paintball in just minutes! Some
paintball parks even offer more experienced and advanced players the
ability to upgrade their rental equipment with more comfortable,
fog-free paintball goggles and more advanced paintball guns!

How long is a game of paintball?

While most who visit the local paintball field or playing park for a
day of play often spend the day there, the paintball games themselves
are generally limited to between fifteen minutes and half an hour each.
As most paintball fields and parks offer multiple playing fields which
different types of cover or “bunkers” to hide behind to keep the game
interesting, players will general play a game or two per field, head
back to a central staging area to wipe off and reload, then head to
another field to play more games, led by referees and paintball field
staff. It isn’t uncommon during the course of a day at the local
paintball field for players and groups to play multiple different
playing fields and enjoy five, seven, ten or even more games of
paintball, ensuring everyone has an amazing time!

Is paintball bad for the environment?

Paintball is one of the most environmentally-friendly and
ecologically conscious games, sports and industries in the world!
Paintballs are made from biodegradable, water-soluble and completely
non-toxic gelatin and as many paintball fields and parks offer wooded
courses and playing fields, they regularly groom grass and do all they
can to preserve their natural environment. Littering at paintball parks
is prohibited and most recycle everything from plastic and cardboard
waste to aluminum cans from lunchtime. Paintball, as a sport and
industry, celebrates being outdoors enjoying our beautiful world.

What are paintballs made from?

Paintballs (pellets): Paintballs, the ammunition used in the marker, are
spherical gelatin capsules containing primarily polyethylene glycol,
other non-toxic and water-soluble substances, and dye.

View MSDS Sheet

Can I watch paintball before I play?

Surprisingly, paintball is a spectator-friendly sport! At the
professional level, paintball is played on television and before
grandstands full of spectators who are kept safe by paintball-proof
netting that surrounds the fields, keeping the paintballs safely inside.
Most professional paintball parks and playing fields off
spectator-friendly fields with bleachers and safe areas that allow
parents, friends and those who aren’t quite sure about this whole thing
yet the ability to watch and see for themselves before pulling a pair of
goggles over their head and picking up a paintball gun! Head to the
local paintball field and take a look, or visit to watch a
few professional matches and see what the amazing world of paintball is
all about!

Do paintballs stain clothing?

As a general rule, paintballs do not stain clothing as they are made
from biodegradable and water-soluble gelatin. Most paintballs wipe off
and out of clothing and just about anything else with warm water.
However, should paintball players leave their splattered clothing in the
dirty clothes hamper at home or in the trunk of the car for a more than
a few days before washing them, faint outlines of paintball splats may
be found on lighter colored clothing. This is why old clothing is
generally a good idea for a first day of play, and why most players,
once they’re hooked on the game, purchase paintball-specific clothing
like jerseys, t-shirts and pants to wear during play.

What should I wear to play paintball?

As paintball is generally played outside and players will be running,
sliding, crawling, ducking and diving (not to mention being splattered
with paint) it is recommended that players wear old clothing that might
get a little muddy or grass-stained, as the paintballs will wash out but
grass sometimes does not. Covering of bare, sensitive skin like the
neck is always a good idea, so many first-time players choose a pair of
jeans and a hooded sweatshirt or long sleeve t-shirt to play their first
game of paintball. Wearing high-topped shoes or hiking shoes or boots
is a good idea to provide ankle support and traction to avoid twisted
ankles. Safety equipment like goggles, gloves, chest and neck protectors
are generally available for sale or rent at local paintball parks for
players who desire to wear them.